OC Characters – Noir Underground https://www.noirunderground.com Thu, 14 Dec 2023 04:45:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.noirunderground.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-noiridentity-1-32x32.jpg OC Characters – Noir Underground https://www.noirunderground.com 32 32 AGENT RIGGS: DENIAL PART ONE https://www.noirunderground.com/agent-riggs-denial-part-one/ Thu, 14 Dec 2023 03:10:33 +0000 https://www.noirunderground.com/?p=1800

AGENT RIGGS (played by the lovely L), the new character from the creator of AMAZON ARROW, is a retro spygirl in leotard and boots, getting into all the usual Steve Noir-style peril.

In Part 1 of AGENT RIGGS: Denial, the attractive but spectacularly ineffective spy uses all her skills to get immediately chloroformed, felt up, tied up, stripped and ‘broken in’ by a nefarious sex trafficker, played by Josie Day.

This video features multiple chloro KO’s, limp stripping to panties – L’s first released partial nudity – heavy, heavy groping top and bottom, bondage with spreader bar, mouthplay, hands-on stimulation plus breathplay, and a bucket-load of L attitude! 21 min, $25

Available bundled with Part 2 for $45


AGENT RIGGS: DENIAL PART TWO https://www.noirunderground.com/agent-riggs-denial-part-two/ Thu, 14 Dec 2023 03:08:31 +0000 https://www.noirunderground.com/?p=1801

AGENT RIGGS (played by the lovely L), the new character from the creator of AMAZON ARROW, is a retro spygirl in leotard and boots, getting into all the usual Steve Noir-style peril.

In Part 2 of AGENT RIGGS: Denial, we get to the ‘denial’ part of the program, and stay right there. In Part 1, nefarious sex trafficker Josie Day got Agent Riggs stripped down, tied up, and warmed up. Now in Part 2, she cruelly and skillfully takes Riggs to the edge of orgasm OVER & OVER, always stopping just short, very much enjoying ALL of Agent Riggs’ body and tormented reactions.

This video features a chloro KO in bondage, heroine stripped to panties and boots – L’s first released partial nudity – heavy, heavy groping top and bottom, bondage with spreader bar, vibrator torment/stimulation and sucking, stimulation plus breathplay, and the end of all that L attitude, dignity in tatters! 21 min, $25

Available bundled with Part 1 for $45


AGENT RIGGS https://www.noirunderground.com/agent-riggs/ Tue, 12 Apr 2022 03:29:56 +0000 https://www.noirunderground.com/?p=1531 Agent Riggs is a retro-style secret agent inspired by classic Spygirl heroines from The Avengers, The Mod Squad, Mission Impossible, In Like Flint and the Bond films. She is a capable fighter, an expert markswoman, and a resourceful and intelligent spy. To accomplish her assignments, Agent Riggs utilizes a variety of high-tech spy gadgets concealed within her colorful and stylish retro outfits. She has the courage and expertise to take on the most daring espionage missions, frequently placing herself in harm’s way.

Created by Chryseis of Recurve Comics!

Find more at DeviantArt


AMAZON ARROW https://www.noirunderground.com/amazon-arrow/ Tue, 12 Apr 2022 02:57:35 +0000 https://www.noirunderground.com/?p=1516 For thousands of years, the Amazon Arrow has fought to protect the world from supernatural menaces, mythical creatures and dangerous criminals. She is armed with a cybernetic bow and an arsenal of specially designed arrows that can deploy tear gas, sleeping gas, tasers, sonic effects, bolos, nets and grappling lines. Amazon Arrow is a noble heroine, and she will not hesitate to sacrifice herself to protect innocent lives. Her willingness to confront evil in its many forms places her in constant peril. If one Amazon Arrow falls in battle, a new archeress rises to take her place.

Ms. Kent

Amazon Arrow’s Alter-ego Ms. Kent is a librarian sleuth with a tendency to stumble her way into trouble. She is courageous, intelligent and plucky, but she is also prone to bad luck and clumsiness. She can’t ignore a good mystery, which always seems to end with her being kidnapped, bound and groped by nefarious fiends. Ms. Kent records her autobiographical exploits in an ongoing journal titled “The Librarian Perils”.

Created by Chryseis of Recurve Comics!

Be sure to checkout more Amazon Arrow at DeviantArt!


ROOK https://www.noirunderground.com/rook/ Thu, 31 Mar 2022 19:34:26 +0000 https://www.noirunderground.com/?p=1400 By day Jane O’Rourke is the sole heiress to the wealthy O’Rourke Dynasty, but by night Jane becomes the crime fighting vigilante Rook! Clad in a tight dark outfit Rook is a skilled fighter in several styles of martial arts, a world-class gymnast, and brilliant detective! Drawing upon her vast wealth, Rook employs an array of hi-tech tools and gadgets she keeps on her Utility Belt. Alluding to Jane’s secret identity are are matching tattoos of The Rook Chess piece on the tops of her feet and chest.

After the now criminal, ex-chemical engineer, Marcus Vulker subjected Rook to “The Bookmark” drug, a drug that causes its victim to become aroused by their environment, Rook is finds herself uncontrollably aroused when she is bound or in peril!

Created by UOK https://www.deviantart.com/ungeronekenobi

Featuring art made by: Fightgirl2004, Fourpieces, Eclipseinperil, and more!

Click Here to Read Short Stories from Creator UOK